Scratch Out Poverty v6.0

Scratch Out Poverty v6.0

ServiceNow is not only a great partner helping inspire the next generation of programmers, but also giving back to help address the community’s more immediate needs.  The 6th Annual “Scratch Out Poverty” event raised donations for the San Diego Food Bank, the Jackie Robinson YMCA holiday toy drive as well as for us here at SPARK.  On a Saturday morning, it is not always easy to get out early, let alone to a class.  But the 30 or so students with their parents that met at ServiceNow were eager and built working games using MIT’s Scratch programming environment during the 2 hour workshop.  The event was taught by volunteer student instructors from Point Loma Nazarene University (Brenden Owen), UCSD (Jake Garnier) and The Cambridge School (Braydon Owen).  Check out the games they built HERE.  If you were not able to attend, be sure to sign up on our INTEREST LIST to find out first about our next event!